Thursday, January 15, 2009

Las Vages:Our Real Anniversary

Since we were sick for our anniversary we decided to go to Vegas for a little fun!

Sorry for the pole in the middle but it was the best picture we could get!

This is were we stayed! Excalibur! This was the view from our room!

Here is some of the things we saw and did!

If I was good enough blogger I would be able to up load what this guys was doing! But since I can't figure it out let me explain, everytime someone gave him money he would do some robot moves. When kids gave him the money he would do the moves and then give them a blow pop. Believe me, it was cooler then it sounds!

Yes, Traivs' wing span is as big as the smart car. We decided that he probably couldn't fit in it!

This was just a good looking car!

If you have ever seen the movie "BIG" this is the machine he make his wish to!

This one explains itself!

He might be bigger but I'm pretty tough!

Traivs with "Zeus"!


Jaclyn, Brandon, Ava & Emma said...

It looks like you guys had a blast...I am feeling jealous!!! Tell Mimi congrats! I am glad you finally got to have a real anniversary celebration you deserve it. Marriage can be hard but sooooo worth it!

wendy said...

Yay, vegas. Always a freak show but I love it. I love the yellow car!!

Emma said...

Oh I love Vegas, so many people to watch!