Thursday, October 1, 2009

July 24th!

Pioneer Day!

Every year for the last many years it has been a tradition for the Standiford family to go out on the parade route downtown and stay the night to save our spot for the parade. So the last couple of years Travis and I have stayed out on the route and saved the spots. For those of you that have never done that it isn't a night were you plan on getting any sleep! But it is a lot of fun to see all the crazy people out and what they do that night! Well this time our night got started early! We had this homeless man come up and ask for money! He gave us this great story about needing the money to go get a room to sleep in that night! Well Travis and I didn't have any money on us but we gave him a gatorade instead. He sat there and talked to us for a while! He was nice enough not to come to close because he told us that he had fleas and he didn't want them to get on us. Its sad to say but he was missing most of his teeth also! After he left we did have a good laugh about the stories that he was telling us. But he didn't leave for long, instead he brought us one of his friends. I was thinking "great, what did we get ourselves into." Well instead of asking for anything he brought his friend to play us some music to thank us for being nice and giving him a drink! This guy just sat right down next to me and started playing music!!

That is the best picture I could get with my phone because I didn't really want him to think I was taking the picture. But he sat there for a good half an hour and played songs and told us stories. Most of the time I couldn't understand a thing he was saying! The blanket that he sat on was quickly removed and replaced by another blanket.

I'm sad to say that we forgot our camera so I don't have any pictures of the parade but I think we were to tired to even take any by the time that it passed! But there was some great floats I guess you will just have to take my word on that!

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