Saturday, October 30, 2010

Draper Days

This summer really has been filled with traditions that our family has! Draper Days isn't exactly a tradition but was one that got started kind of by accident. Since Travis and I got married and moved to Draper we have attened the parade they have every year. Its not like the one down town! It doesn't seem to be as crowded and I think we actually get some better shows here! How often do you get to see a blue tank? They have one in this parade!

Even though it is a smaller parade we still get up early to get some really good seats. By this I mean we are in shade the whole parade.

Laynie loves her Uncle Travis!!!! This two are always together!

Papa's Dave's favorite part of the parade!!

And of course our comic relief!!!

1 comment:

Becky Wallace said...

Better late than never! Thanks for posting sis!