Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lots of Summer fun!!!

Ok I know that these are old but I needed to get them on here. Its better to be let then never, right! Becky and her sweet kids (Gavin and Laynie) came to visit for a little while this summer! And we made a trip to Wheeler Farm! This is always an adventure!

It first started out by Gavin chasing the ducks! Or should I say that Travis told him that he could pet the ducks and for some reason they wouldn't stay still for him!

Next we went and saw one of my most favorite animals! The PIG!!

They might be my favorite animal but MeMe has the gift. She is able to call them with this pig noise that she makes and YES they really do come to her! It is so amazing!

Aren't they so stinkin' cute! They thought it was fun to play in the water!

Laynie and Travis are always the best of friends. Here she is modeling his sunglasses!

Here Laynie is with Papa Paul, as Gaving refers to him as. Watch out Becky she likes to hang out with all the guys!

Look at that smile! This boy is always happy when he is riding his tractor! I think he is going to be a farmer some day!

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